Office Timing08:30 AM - 2:30 PM




"The Success, however, could not wean him away from things educational, which has been close to his heart and mind from the very beginning of his career"

Sri Bhagwan Das (born 1935), an M.Sc, in Chemistry began his career as lecturer in Maharaja College, Ara Under compelling circumstances, he had to switchover to family business, which he has been managing since then with remarkable success and fairness has, in fact, been a steady feature of all the work and activities he has been at helm.

The Success, however, could not wean him away from things educational, which has been close to his heart and mind from the very beginning of his career. A socially- conscious entrepreneur, he could perceive desired, At this stage the visionary in him, found a genuine opportunity to serve a social cause in the right spirit.

He formulated his response and thus same in existence the B.D. Public School, Ara, The course for which he is charting with utmost care and élan.

Sri Bhagwan Das
B.D. Public School